In the ever-evolving landscape of gun legislation, Texas made significant updates to its laws in 2021, particularly concerning felons’ rights to possess firearms. These changes have left many individuals with questions about their rights and responsibilities. Let’s take a closer look at Texas’ new gun laws for felons and what they mean for those with past felony convictions.
Texas New Gun Laws in 2021 for Felons: Legislation
House Bill 1927, commonly referred to as Constitutional Carry, grabbed headlines for its implications on gun ownership in Texas. However, amidst the discussions surrounding this bill, another important aspect of Texas’ gun laws for felons emerged.
Under Texas law, individuals convicted of certain felonies are prohibited from possessing firearms. You can find out more information Texas laws prohibiting Felons from Possessing firearms HERE. about Although House Bill 1927 introduced some modifications to the restrictions for citizens firearm rights. While the bill does allow for permitless carry for those without felony convictions, it does not alter the existing prohibition on felons possessing firearms.
Texas New Gun Laws in 2021 for Felons: Possession Remains Prohibited
For felons in Texas, this means that despite the changes introduced by Constitutional Carry, the restriction on firearm possession remains in place. Any individual with a felony conviction, whether for a violent offense or a non-violent crime, is still legally barred from owning or carrying firearms.
It’s essential for felons in Texas to understand the implications of these laws. Violating the prohibition on firearm possession can result in severe consequences, including additional criminal charges and potential imprisonment.
Texas New Gun Laws in 2021 for Felons: Restoration of Firearm Rights
However, it’s also crucial to recognize that not all convictions result in permanent loss of firearm rights. In some cases, individuals may be eligible for restoration of their gun rights through a legal process such as pardon. Once a pardon is granted, an individual can apply for the restoration of their firearm rights. Consulting with a knowledgeable attorney like LeGrande Law can help individuals navigate these options and understand their rights under Texas law.
In conclusion, while Texas’ new gun laws of 2021 brought significant changes, including the adoption of Constitutional Carry, it’s important for felons to recognize that the prohibition on firearm possession remains unchanged. Understanding these laws and seeking legal guidance when necessary can help individuals stay compliant with the law while protecting their rights.
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