Regardless of how you feel about the death penalty, are you OK with executing the mentally ill? I am sure some peoples knee jerk reaction when someone is convicted of an atrocious crime is to say they must be euthanized like an animal, no matter what their mental faculties are. Others, myself included, believe that […]
Execution scheduled for Man Who Subpoenaed Jesus While Representing Himself Wearing a Purple Cowboy Suit
Supreme Court: states must look beyond IQ score of death row inmates
A 5-4 decision was handed down by the Supreme Court that Florida and a handful of other states must not look at an IQ score above 70 as determinative of mental capacity – inmates that fall within the margin of error of the IQ tests must be allowed to present other evidence of mental disability. […]
Electric Chair coming back in Tennessee
There has been a nationwide scarcity on lethal injection drugs. How have states responded? Well, in Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam signed a bill into law Thursday that will allow death row inmates to be executed by electrocution if the prisons are unable to obtain the drugs. Much of the scarcity of the drugs used for lethal […]
We don’t care how we kill ’em, so long as they die
Controversy has boiled over in the last few weeks regarding the methods used and drugs utilized to execute individuals convicted and sentenced to death. It came to the forefront in the news again recently after a botched execution in Oklahoma. As one writer in the The New York Times described it, the executed inmate in Oklahoma […]
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Houston, TX 77002 USA