Why hire a criminal defense lawyer? When facing criminal charges, the decision of who will represent you is one of the most critical choices you’ll make. You have the option of hiring a private criminal defense attorney or allowing the court to appoint one for you, typically in the form of a public defender. While […]

Why hire a criminal defense lawyer?

Is THC-A legal in Texas?
A new Cannabinoid, “THC-A” appeared in vape shops and online. So…Is THC-A legal In Texas? The the legal status of THC-A (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, hereinafter “THC-A”) is complex and nuanced. It is primarily governed by both state and federal law distinctions concerning cannabis and its derivatives. There is no specific mention of the cannabinoid THC-A anywhere […]

Texas New Gun Laws 2021 for Felons
In the ever-evolving landscape of gun legislation, Texas made significant updates to its laws in 2021, particularly concerning felons’ rights to possess firearms. These changes have left many individuals with questions about their rights and responsibilities. Let’s take a closer look at Texas’ new gun laws for felons and what they mean for those with […]

New Texas Laws for 2024: Burglary
Texas has new enhancement laws that go into effect for burglary cases in 2024. As of February 6, 2024, the punishment for Burglary in Texas is enhanced in certain circumstances. The manner and means of commiting a burglary remains the same. These changes only apply to the punishment assessed for the given offense. The Penal […]

A New Year’s Resolution: Exercise Your Constitutional Rights!
ASSERT YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS IN 2019 You may have never been in a position where you needed to flex your constitutional rights. In fact, many reading this might say: if I am doing nothing wrong, why should I assert my rights? Won’t this make things harder for me? I can answer that for you real […]

Fees for TX License to Carry a Handgun $40 Starting Sept. 1st – Lowest in the Country
Starting September 1, 2017, the first time fee for a license to carry a handgun will be reduced to $40, down from $140. Prior to being signed into law, it saw overwhelming support in the legislature, where it passed by a 111-30 after the addition of a last minute amendment by Jeff Leach of Plano to waive […]
Call top rated Houston criminal defense lawyer Tristan LeGrande directly if you need legal consultation or advice.
1021 Main Street, Suite 1580
Houston, TX 77002 USA