POSSESSION OF THC CONCENTRATE IS A FELONY IN TEXAS Possession of any detectable amount of Tetrahydrocannibinol (“THC”), also known as wax, dabs, shatter, marijuana concentrate is a Felony in Texas. EVEN possession of less than a gram of THC concentrate, is a State Jail Felony – 6 months to 2 years in a Texas […]

Possession of Marijuana Concentrate (THC extract, wax, dabs) Is a Felony in Texas

Reforms to TX Marijuana & THC Possession Laws DIED in 2021 – POSSESSION OF THC REMAINS A FELONY IN TEXAS
A bill almost became a law in Texas, reducing the penalties for marijuana and THC possession – Texas House Bill 2593. That’s right, Texas came closer than it ever has to decriminalizing possession of less than one ounce of marijuana; the new law would have made posssession of less than 28 grams a class C […]
Fort Bend County begins Cannabis Oil Diversion Program!
It finally happened, Fort Bend County, Texas has taken the bold step of offering those found in possession of THC concentrate (wax, dabs, shatter, Tetrahydrocannibinol) the opportunity to avoid a felony on your record, and allow you to get your case dismissed. In the last several months, Fort Bend County rolled out the “Felony Fresh […]
Call top rated Houston criminal defense lawyer Tristan LeGrande directly if you need legal consultation or advice.
1021 Main Street, Suite 1580
Houston, TX 77002 USA