Dealing with DWI charges in the vast state of Texas can be a formidable challenge, especially when the legal terminology appears confusing. In the Lone Star State, the “drunk driving” offense is termed Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). The legal landscape surrounding DWI can be complex, involving specific Texas laws that set it apart from other states. As your trusted Texas DWI attorney, Tristan Legrande from LeGrande Law is here to provide clarity on the charges, potential penalties for DWI in Texas, and the defense strategies available to you.

Texas DWI Attorney: Navigating Driving While Intoxicated Charges
If Convicted of a Felony, Can I Legally Own a Gun?
Frequently I am contacted by someone with a Felony conviction that is years or even decades old, and they want to know if they can ever own a firearm again. The answer is more complicated than YES or NO. Under Texas law there is an exception permitting convicted felons to possess firearms, but only in […]
In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and its accompanying flooding, the familiar stories have appeared in the news detailing some of the unfortunate crimes that always seem to happen during one of these types of events, including robbery, fraud, theft or burglary (what some have labeled “looting”). Many are unaware that in the State of […]
Fees for TX License to Carry a Handgun $40 Starting Sept. 1st – Lowest in the Country
Starting September 1, 2017, the first time fee for a license to carry a handgun will be reduced to $40, down from $140. Prior to being signed into law, it saw overwhelming support in the legislature, where it passed by a 111-30 after the addition of a last minute amendment by Jeff Leach of Plano to waive […]
When Possession of Adderall was NOT a Felony in Texas***
***AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2017, POSSESSION OF ADDERALL/VYVANSE WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION IS A FELONY – CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE RECENT LAW CHANGE *** Texas Drug Law History & The Texas Health & Safety Code Texas has had a unique history in classifying substances people consume to alter their consciousness. The most recent evolution of Texas […]
In TX, Openly Carrying Handgun Subjects You to Police Seizure
There has been some debate about the implications on openly carrying a firearm and police interactions. Can a police officer stop a citizen seen openly carrying a firearm (on property not owned by him or under his control) simply to check to see if the citizen has a License to Carry? While I respect the […]
Call top rated Houston criminal defense lawyer Tristan LeGrande directly if you need legal consultation or advice.
1021 Main Street, Suite 1580
Houston, TX 77002 USA