Robbie Knievel, the youngest son of the late daredevil Evel Knievel, was charged with felony drunken driving and criminal endangerment after allegedly causing a multi-vehicle collision in Butte Montana on Tuesday night. According to Butte police, Knievel was driving a 2005 GMC Yukon at a high speed heading south on Harrison Avenue. Witnesses told police […]
Famous Daredevil Robbie Knievel Charged with 4th DWI
After Crash, Members of the Secret Service Facing DWI Accusations
It was probably no secret that something might be amiss when a secret service member crashed his car through a White House security barricade on March 4th after leaving a White House Party. The incident is being investigated by Homeland Security, and the two agents have been reassigned to nonsupervisory positions. Officials have of course […]
DWI? I Would Not Recommended the “Black-Ice” Defense
Police claim Brian Byers of New Jersey man allegedly poured water into the middle of an intersection in hopes of creating a black ice slick, allegedly to cover up a crash that occurred when he was intoxicated and took out a guardrail. But it gets better. Police also claim he recruited an accomplice in his […]
SCOTUS: Anonymous 911 caller is reasonable suspicion for DWI
Yet another blow was dealt by the Supreme Court on our civil liberties and our 4th amendment rights on April 22 when the Supreme Court held that California Highway Patrol officers had reasonable suspicion of DWI, and therefore were justified in conducting an investigative traffic stop where the only basis for the stop was that the vehicle matched a […]
Call top rated Houston criminal defense lawyer Tristan LeGrande directly if you need legal consultation or advice.
1021 Main Street, Suite 1580
Houston, TX 77002 USA